EotL - A Brief History

EotL is one of the original LPMuds!  LP stands for Lars Pensjö, the original developer of the LPMud driver and the LPC language (based on C) used in coding the mud.

EotL History

EotL was initially two separate muds: UCR's Let's See Yours LPmud, which Duncan opened to the public in 1989 at the University of California, Riverside, and The Pitt, which was run by Xurbax and Moonchilde at the University of Pittsburgh. The two muds merged together later that year and was renamed End of the Line. In 1990 the mud was relocated from UCR to Stanford University, where it lived on the same machine until August 2005. Then after migrating to a new host under a similar arrangement Eotl's existence was made known to a manager who disapproved and the mud moved again to a server operated by Zippo in September.

EotL Leadership

The Janitors (a.k.a. Gods) of EotL are Duncan, Zippo and Cozminsky. Past Gods include Xurbax, Bainshee, Sledge and Sly.

Hardware and Software

EotL runs on a dedicated Quad core Xeon E5405 with 16 GB RAM. The game uses a modified LDMud driver. In November 2006, EotL went to the LDMud 3.2.14 driver. (LD = Lars Düening)

Game Info
--> A Brief History
--> Getting Started
--> Help Files
--> Races
--> Guilds
--> Cabals
--> Maps
--> News



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