Cheesefest III Webcam Shots, Page 4
Early Saturday Morning
Fugue's butt (at Purge's request), and Arthur
That's Pokey on the sofa in the white shirt!%$#!
And Kesey is sitting next to him.
L-R: Reeses, Pokey(?), Saffron, Violet's back, Arthur's back.
The heads are probably Felzin and Litotes.
L-R: Guido blocked by Sodium, Chastity's legs,
Violet, Saffron, Pokey's legs, Achilles.
Tyrus, Chastity (in chair), Arthur, Violet,
Achilles (in white/red shorts), Saffron, Kesey,
Pokey (on sofa), and Danchow on the far right
Front front: Laurana.
Front: Chastity (in chair), Reeses, Fugue, Achilles.
Back: Arthur, Violet, Saffron, Kesey standing, Tyrus in front of him.