Guestbook Archive, Volume 2
Total: 50 guests
Name: Suzyq
- (nhv-ct1-02.ix.netcom.com, Mozilla/2.01 (Macintosh; I; 68K))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Smurf Village
Time: 1997-07-27 17:11:00
Whee! I be number 11.
Name: Draco
- (ip205.cgz.primenet.com, Mozilla/3.0Gold (Win95; I))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Casa Grande, AZ
Time: 1997-07-29 06:12:00
I am signing this book because EOTL is offline and there
is nothing else to do.
Name: Kevin...aka...TimberWolf
- (nrf-as6s18.erols.com, Mozilla/3.01C-KIT (Win95; I))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Virginia
Time: 1997-08-03 22:43:00
Heh...quite ammusing to see the pictures of the immortals
3 times as big as the pictures of the mortals. Either
way, I'm still here after all this time!! Whee and stuph!!
Name: Minister
- (cacheflow.Stanford.EDU, Mozilla/3.02 (Macintosh; I; 68K))
Website: Meat
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: Riverside
Time: 1997-08-07 00:19:00
I'ma Wario.
I'ma gonna win.
Name: Nik Kautz
- (200-65-91.ipt.aol.com, Mozilla/4.01 [en] (Win95; I))
Website: Niks Page - http://www.mindspring.com/~songoku/ (coming soon)
Referred by: Net Search
From: Palo Alto
Time: 1997-08-11 05:06:00
Name: Gerard
- (175-200-52.ipt.aol.com, Mozilla/4.01 (Macintosh; I; PPC))
Website: My Final Fantasy 3 Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: U.S.A.
Time: 1997-08-18 18:29:00
I like your webpage. It was pretty cool.

Name: Diablo
- (smx-ca3-24.ix.netcom.com, Mozilla/2.01E-NC250 (Win95; U; 16bit))
Website: Burn in Hell
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hell
Time: 1997-09-04 12:53:00
GORE *.*
Name: Tropodeous
- (draco.dragon.net.au, Mozilla/4.01 [en] (Win95; I) via Squid Cache version 1.0.22)
Website: Patrick's Dominion
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Indonesia(Mudding from Australia)
Time: 1997-09-07 06:57:00
Just wanted to say that this site is KEWL!! Keep up the good work guys ; ) And Ladylunar, I want to see your picture on this site soon: ) I'm just curious.
Name: Draco
- (ip216.cgz.primenet.com, Mozilla/3.0Gold (Win95; I))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Arizona
Time: 1997-09-08 01:08:00
I was just looking through EOTL's homepage and decided to
sign the guest book. ;whee
Name: islena/bleach/eve..the one with the multiple personalities
- (210cc-mac-13.cl.msu.edu, Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; PPC))
Website: oh shite..ill get round to finishin it someday-i suck
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: michigan
Time: 1997-09-08 23:41:00
...smokin cigarettes and watching captain kangaroo now dont tell me ive nothin to do...
Name: Nyarlathotep
- (vernon.galaxy-net.net, Mozilla/3.01Gold (Win95; I))
Website: The Amazing Pecking Chicken
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Ok, it isn't my homepage, but check it out anyway
Time: 1997-09-09 19:12:00
Why do you keep crashing the MUD?
Now I have to actually work instead of
coding. Wait, I'm not working! I'm surfing!
But would rather be coding something I didn't
have to code.
Name: Madagascar
- (spider-th112.proxy.aol.com, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; AOL 3.0; Windo)
Website: Potpourri Page
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: The land of the stupid male.. err New Jersey
Time: 1997-09-10 12:54:00
I'll give ya one guess.... mud crashed...
Name: Nicolai
- (d82.pm9.sonic.net, Mozilla/3.01 (Win16; I))
Website: Crank Calls n $#!^t (not my page)
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: Wu Tang Style
Time: 1997-09-10 19:56:00
Ok, seriuously -
I am going to get medieval on some
postal workers if eotl dont go back up soon!
Whats the deal? I miss my life. Wait,
Since eotl has been down I have
actually gone outside and stuff.
Name: Dan (Cleanse)
- (ww-tl06.proxy.aol.com, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 3.1))
Website: Don't have time for one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1997-09-17 19:59:00
This is a cool update to the page, good job. Now you need to work on the lag :)
Name: Precious
- (athena.concord.wvnet.edu, Mozilla/3.02Gold (Macintosh; I; PPC))
Website: Sammi's Precious Page
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: West Virginia
Time: 1997-09-22 17:41:00
Great page!!! Keep up the great work!!!!
Name: Dave Maynard
- (illegal-address-026-106.uwyo.edu, Mozilla/3.0Gold (WinNT; I))
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: Niagara Falls, New York
Time: 1997-09-29 21:52:00
Just a player on EOTL, Badkarma, and I thought
I would hop on to see what this was about. Pretty
impressive. i will stop in when I have more time though.
party on!!!
Name: Darrel Ross
- (usrppp38.tstc.edu, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Windows 95))
Website: Darrel & Kims Homepage
Referred by: Net Search
From: Waco, Texas
Time: 1997-10-15 04:47:00
Uh, im tickdog on eotl...
Name: Roger Taylor
- (spokane.spokpl.lib.wa.us, Lynx/2-4 libwww/2.14)
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: spokane,wa
Time: 1997-10-23 12:05:00
I have been trying to log on to the system as new and it
won't let me in. I have also tryed to use a character that
I made about a week ago and it tells me wrong password.
=The characters name is Transcending and the password is
######. Could you please help me out so I can play your mud again???
Name: Peter Rivers (essafa, athos, dartanion)
- (, Mozilla/1.1N (Macintosh; I; 68K))
Referred by: From Geocities
From: st. cloud minnesota
Time: 1997-11-07 15:51:00
someone had told me on the eotl about a chat room on here
that ppl use when the mud is down and since it is down,
thought that i might like to chat or sometin.
well laterz all,
Athos, dead controller of death
Name: Matthew Grillo
- (ref69.library.umass.edu, Mozilla/3.01C (Win16; I))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Massachusetts
Time: 1997-11-12 16:43:00
how do I play?
I want to play...
Name: Kate Gaudreau (violet)
- (x101-209-12.ejack.umn.edu, Mozilla/3.01 (Macintosh; I; PPC))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Wisconsin, Yeah I'm a cheesehead!
Time: 1997-11-18 02:03:00
here's a clue, MUD crashed again.. just stopped over to see the page, and all those
crazy pics of Cheesefest '97 and those super large pics of all the immortals
Keep up the good work, and please for the love of god!! STOP crashing the MUD!!
Name: Kenneth R. Bird II
- (usrppp10.tstc.edu, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Windows 95))
Website: No time to update
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Wacko umm Waco, Texas
Time: 1997-12-07 08:44:00
Um like pillage the village
Rape the horses
and ride of on the women!
Oh did i mention KILLTHEGOOD?
Name: Kenneth R. Bird II(Voltron)
- (usrppp10.tstc.edu, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Windows 95))
Website: It sucks no time to update
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: WackO,TX
Time: 1997-12-07 08:57:00
Voltron lets loose in your general direction!
Bog not putting my characters name in the first signing.
Name: Dan Gullotti
- (athena.stm.com, Mozilla/3.0Gold (Win95; I))
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Hudson, Massachusetts, USA
Time: 1997-12-11 20:44:00
Name: Galactic, Pangaea, Gage, etc. (dan gullotti)
- (athena.stm.com, Mozilla/3.0Gold (Win95; I))
Website: a work in progress, an schitt
Referred by: From Geocities
From: masseechusits
Time: 1997-12-11 20:45:00
uh ok my last guestbook sign in was lame, so i redid.
;fondle eotl especially Lark the ho
Name: Purge
- (dibble.sonic.net, Mozilla/3.01 (X11; I; Linux 2.0.18 i586))
Website: Purge's Pestiferous Purilent PlayPen
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: EotL duhr.
Time: 1997-12-13 22:26:00
Hannah tells you: Whee! I am going to break the mud!
Connection closed by foreign host.
/world eotl
% Connection to eotl in progress.
% Connection to eotl failed: nonblocking connect: Unknown error
;blame hannah for two days of mud downtime.
;kewlwah hannah taking the mud offline
Name: Hannah
- (1Cust122.tnt1.san-bernardino.ca.da.uu.net, Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I))
Website: End of the Line
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: the hell that is southern California
Time: 1997-12-14 02:39:27
Hey, it's not my fault! Ummmm Fugue made an announcement that EotL would be down Friday, so let's blame him. =)
There are about 7 of us EotLers on Earthmud as I type this. ;addict
Name: Mary (dead, einsturzende)
- (gh06.WPI.EDU, Mozilla/3.01Gold (Win16; I))
Website: retneC lortnoC nalP restaM
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Massachusetts
Time: 1998-01-01 22:01:51
Mud's broke.
Have a hangover, flat broke, an some gimp stole my shoes%!@#
Happy foogin New Year.
Mbolobolobolo mine.
Name: Erik Hoag
- (dd53-069.dub.compuserve.com, Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I))
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: albuquerque, new mexico
Time: 1998-01-07 05:31:29
I was just wondering and i will email also...but what is wrong with the mud..is it dead yet? I have been
playing it for a while now and i am sort of used to things like this so i am just wondering..is there any hope
Name: Gizzy
- (174-140-188.ipt.aol.com, Mozilla/3.0Gold (Macintosh; I; 68K))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: PA
Time: 1998-01-16 22:42:42
Hello all! From a former MuDder (like 1992 - 1995 or sumthin). I miss you guys so much, but I don't have the endless hours to MUD like I did in college! Email me if you wanna!! Thoses who might rememeber me - Anthrax, Trandemere, Reflex....WRITE ME!
Name: Tim Bowling's Computer Art Gallery
- (, Mozilla/3.0Gold (Win95; U))
Website: Tim Bowling's Computer Art Gallery
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
Time: 1998-01-22 02:44:31
I love muds! I wish I could remember the one I was involved in a while back. It was so much fun!
Thanks for getting me hip to this one!

Name: Xanthophyll
- (pc261.buri.kcls.org, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Seattle wanker boy
Time: 1998-01-29 01:08:43
Name: XaNtHoPhYlL
- (pc261.buri.kcls.org, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: ex-Latte #@(%er
Time: 1998-01-29 01:05:54
Name: Xanthophyll Caffeine
- (pc261.buri.kcls.org, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Eotl
Time: 1998-01-29 01:04:16
Name: X-man Caffiene (Xanthophyll)
- (pc261.buri.kcls.org, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Nargolia
Time: 1998-01-29 01:09:22
I think Returns almost ready to go
Name: Xanthrophyll
- (pc261.buri.kcls.org, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Middle Earth actually
Time: 1998-01-29 01:14:57
Nope not yet.
Name: Xanth
- (pc261.buri.kcls.org, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: 3rd and Pike
Time: 1998-01-29 01:10:46
xanth xanth xanth xanth xanth xanth xanth xanth
\/ /\ |\ | | |__|
/\/ \| \| | | |
Name: Xanthophyll AGAin
- (pc261.buri.kcls.org, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: the hard ghettos of nyc
Time: 1998-01-29 01:12:35
Its all returns fault
Name: Mishap
- (, Mozilla/3.0 (Win16; I))
Website: Nothing - http://I.don't.have.one.ca
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Canuckville
Time: 1998-01-29 15:23:36
This sucks. I don't have telnet access at work. I can browse all I please. Oh well! I'll have ta wait till I get off of work ta mudd. Life just isn't fair.
Name: Gorbax
- (, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1998-01-30 17:40:09
Love the homepage...addicted to the MUD!!
Name: Sondra
- (, Mozilla/4.04 [en] (WinNT; I))
Referred by: NewsGroups
From: Texas
Time: 1998-01-31 15:36:17
Hey! I just thought this sounded cool and thought i'd figure out what it is
about. I'm really new to the
net so I don't know how to do hardly anything other than greeting cards and
chat. =) But this looks fun.
Name: Mr. T
- (soofoo90.dtgnet.com, Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav))
Website: Pity da Fool!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Your mom's HOUSE SUCKA!
Time: 1998-02-01 18:36:54
I warned you kids to stay away from that crack dealin pimp, Reflex!
Name: Monica Lewinsky
- (soofoo90.dtgnet.com, Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav))
Website: Monica's Playhouse
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Forget already, sugar?
Time: 1998-02-01 18:38:46
Reflex is my next conquest.
Name: Gorbax
- (, Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95))
Website: Star Wras RPG
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Nowhere in Particular
Time: 1998-03-10 21:44:02
Woo! Woo! Gorbax bounces around the room. Gorbax bounces into a wall.
Stupid wall.*GRUMBLE* *GRUMBLE*
Name: Tylinial
- (myponga0.connect.com.au, Mozilla/4.0 [en] (Win95; I))
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: Sydney, Australia
Time: 1998-03-22 04:02:17
Although your MUD is good. I prefer no PK. Plus it sux too hard when You die
Name: Brian
- (, Mozilla/3.03Gold (Win95; I))
Website: Brian's silly ummm... Mailman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Clevo, Ohio
Time: 1998-03-23 22:08:25
Nice Mud! hye look at me i can pick my nose!
Name: Acetylcoa
- (200-113-62.ipt.aol.com, Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSN 2.5; Windows 95))
Website: it aint got no title
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: reflex's colon
Time: 1998-03-23 22:31:44
one time Reflex ate a mouse, because i was sittin at home in his colon, and
all of a sudden i heard some wierd squeak, and it was different than all of
the other noises that i usually hear, so i grabbed my pet bacteria
'Bacteroides' who lives with me and went on a little journey up the
digestive system through the small intestine and stopped of in the jejunum
for lunch and went up further a little bit until i heard the squeak again
and i looked around the intestinal fold, and saw a poor little mouse
peristalsing head first down the intestine, he was screaming at me to look
out or so Bacteroides thought but he doesn't speak mouse very well so i'm
not sure, but i ducked aside and the mouse tried to bite me so i killed it
and dragged it home and kicked it right out Reflex's rectum because i
didn't like it there, he took up too much room.
Name: Kilrogg
- (, Mozilla/3.01 (Win16; I))
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Rhode Island
Time: 1998-03-24 14:36:43
Eotl is DA Shit yo
Total: 50 guests
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