EotL Boglegs

The Best of /open/bogleg

You might ask, "What is a bogleg?" As the story goes, someone from Genocide LPMud made a typo while trying to boggle, and from that point on many muds were never the same again.

The term nog reportedly originated from Genocide as well.

* Changing Lightbulbs
* Wizard Chat (October 1992)
* Calin (November 1992)
* Duncan Jerky (June 1993)
* Death's Conversation with Thumper (March 1994)
* Wizard Levels (May 1994)
* Megabrain's Frob Test (November 1994)
* Fun with Scully (March 1995)
* Stupid Customers (July 1996)
* Kean's review of 'Ransom' (November 1996)
* Ancient Uses the Editor (February 1997)

* Selections from /open/bogleg/.quotes
* /open/bogleg/.quotes II
* /open/bogleg/.quotes III
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