
Topic: Guildwizards
The following is a list of guilds and the wizard responible for each.

Capacitor      -- Dorf

Crusader       -- Whitewolf
  Cleric       -- Whitewolf
  Paladin      -- Whitewolf

Dustman        -- Guido, Valentino, Whitewolf
  Darkheart    -- Guido, Valentino, Whitewolf
  Fallen       -- Guido, Valentino, Whitewolf

Etc            -- Devo

Fighter        -- Valentino
  Berserker    -- Valentino
  Bodyguard    -- Skorch
  Swordsman    -- Arkham

Forester       -- Whitewolf
  Ranger       -- Whitewolf
  Druid        -- Ghostbuster, Whitewolf

Headhunter     -- Hodge

Mageslayer     -- Dorf

Pacifist       -- Cozminsky

Padawan        -- Dorf
  Jedi         -- Dorf
  Sith         -- Dorf

Red Disciples  -- Valentino

Rogue          -- Whitewolf
  Assassin     -- Whitewolf
  Bards        -- Dorf
  Thief        -- Whitewolf

Spellcaster    -- Arkham, Kahlan
  Illusionist  -- Arkham
  Necromancer  -- Kahlan
  Runesmith    -- Kahlan
  Warlock      -- Arkham

See Also: guilds, specs, guild_list, guildwizard

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