
Command : Channel.
Format  : channel [channel] [msg|/who|/last||/hist|/lasttime]
          channel [channel] [/color <opts>|/norm <opts>]
          channel [channel] /censor [on|off]
          channel /all [on|off]
Example : channel gossip I am a vicious pkiller!
Several "channels" can be accessed by your player to communicate with groups
of other players throughout the MUD.  Channels operate through a medium
similar to shouting, but is selective, in that each player can decide whether
or not to listen to a channel.  Type 'channel' alone to list the channels
available to you.  To begin listening to a channel, type the channel name
by itself, without any arguments.  To stop listening to a channel, again,
type the channel name by itself, without arguments.
    Example: channel gossip
To say something on a channel, type the channel name, followed by the message
to say, at the prompt.
    Example: channel gossip Hey dudes, what's up?
To get a list of players listening to a channel, type the channel name,
followed by "/who".
    Example: channel gossip /who
To play back a recording of the last few messages sent over a channel, use
the /last command or the /hist command.
    Examples: channel auction /last
              channel gossip /hist

To find out when a channel was last used, use the /lasttime command.

    Example: channel radio /lasttime
To simplify things even more, we suggest you alias the channel commands
to their channel names in the fashion shown below:
    Example: alias gossip channel gossip
This will cause the command 'gossip' to be equivalent to 'channel gossip',
cutting down the number of keystrokes to do the various functions
associated with that channel.
To set the color that you would like to see a certain channel in, type the
name of the channel, followed by '/color <opts>' where <opts> can be one
or more of the following:
    off            -- Disable coloring of this channel.
    default/norm   -- Sets the coloring for this channel to ^[[m.
    default2/norm2 -- Sets the coloring for this channel to ^[[2;37;0m.
    beep           -- Adds a beep (^G) to this channel.
    whole          -- Colors the entire message instead of just the prefix.
    flash/blink    -- Causes this channel to flash.
    bold           -- Causes this channel to use high intensity colors.
    underline      -- Uses the VT100 code for underlining for this channel.
    reverse        -- Uses the VT100 code for reversing fore/backgrounds.
    <fore>         -- Sets the foreground color for this channel to <color>.
    <fore>,<back>  -- Sets the foreground color to <fore> and the background
                      color to <back> for this channel.
Valid colors for <fore> and <back> are:
    black    red    green    yellow    blue    purple    cyan    white
Some examples:
    Example: channel gossip /color cyan,black beep
    Example: channel auction /color beep bold yellow
    Example: channel bogleg /color flash reverse
The order of the options does not matter, except that those you type first
will take precedence over the last ones, although there is no need to use
conflicting options in the same command, bogleg.
The above options and colors can also be used to set your 'norm,' or default
colors, for the channel command to return your terminal colors to after
coloring the channel message.  To do this, you might use:
    Example: channel <any channel> /norm norm
    Example: channel <any channel> /norm white,black
This is where the norm/default and norm2/default2 options are useful.  Both
are common strings used to return a terminal to its default colors.  Try
each and see which works for you.

Channel censorship can be toggled on and off for seperate channels by elders
and above, providing that they can listen to the channel.  Anyone can use
the /censor flag without arguments to check the status of the censor.

You can turn all your channels on or off with the /all flag.  Example:
    channel /all on                    - turn on all your channels
    channel /all off                   - turn off all your channels

Please see the chantimes and chantimefmt help docs to add a time listing for your channels. 
See also: alias, shout, spam, chantimes, chantimefmt

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