Command : Muffs
Format : muffs || muffs <command>
This command is designed to help you block out players that you
do not wish to talk to. Use these commands to set up your muffs and
then the muffs will check tells and emotes as they come to you and
block them if nessasary.
These muffs will not block wizards.
Lists all your muffs settings.
muffs m
Display your current muffs message.
muffs m <msg>
Sets your muffs message to <msg>.
This message will be used when someone who is in a group that you
are blocking or screening talks to you or emotes to you. They will
then get the message.
**Settings for the muffs are:
Lets the message through with no muffs message to the sender.
Displays the muffs message to the sender and appears not to get
through to the target. The target receives the message in the
(Muffled) <message>
Displays the muffs message to the sender and appears not to get
through to the target. The target does not receive the message
at all.
**Setting the muffs:
muffs c
This setting is linked to the player body notifier (help notify).
This will list all your muffs settings for the categories in your
notify list.
muffs c <category> <setting>
Sets the muffs to <setting> for that <category>
e.g. muffs c friends screen
This example would mean that anyone in your notify friends
category who sends you a message will be screened as specified
muffs eval
Tells you the settings for the eval you are blocking. This muffs
setting will be effective on players who are not on your notify
list and are BELOW (not the same eval, at a lower eval only) the
eval that you specify.
muffs eval <number> <setting>
Sets the muffs setting for players below <number> eval.
e.g. muffs eval 2 block
This will block anyone below eval 2 who trys to send you a
muffs else
Tells you the muffs setting for all those players who are not on
your notify list and are above or equal to the specified eval.
muffs else <setting>
Muffs will be set to <setting> for anyone not on notify list or
below eval setting.
muffs RESET
Will turn off all settings and delete your muffs message.
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