
Topic: Etiquette.

    Believe it or not, there are certain unspoken rules of behavior
on EotL.  On a MUD, nothing is private.  Be forewarned that whatever
you say or do might be logged or snooped or bugged at any time.
Try not to say anything you don't want known (i.e. secrets) over
the MUD or by MUD-mail.

    It's really bad form to steal someone else's kill.  Someone has
been working on the Cosmically Invulnerable Utterly Unstoppable
Massively Powerful Space Demon for ages, leaves to get healed, and
in the interim, some dweeb comes along and whacks the Demon and gets
all its stuff and tons of experience.  This really sucks as the other
person has spent lots of time and money in expectations of the
benefits from killing the monster.  The graceful thing to do is to
give them all the stuff from the corpse and compensation for the
money spent on healing.  This is still a profit to you as you got
all the experience and spent practically no time killing it.

    Harassing a player with hate mail and bombarding them with threats,
insults, or plain old spam, is another no no.  People logon to get away
from real life...not to get hassled.

    When a newbie begs for some money or help, it is usually expected
that you will give what you can.  Everyone was a newbie once, and
probably got their start through the generosity of other more
established players.  The least you can do is show the same consideration
to future newbies (known as the golden rule).  And above all, remember
it's just a game...but with real people on the other end side.

See also: pkilling.

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