Command : Prompt
prompt <prompt_string>
prompt <format_string>
prompt <id>
Typing prompt alone will restore your prompt to the last prompt you
had set, or ``> '' if no previous prompt was set.
prompt <prompt_string> will set your prompt to prompt_string.
If you are a wizard, prompt <id> will set your prompt to the value
of the environment variable "id_prompt"
The prompt formats expand as follows:
%% The % character.
%0 Null. Evaluates to "".
%A Maximum hit points.
%a Current hit points.
%B Maximum fatigue.
%b Current fatigue.
%C[<Cstr>] If you are unable to attack, <Cstr> will be sent.
%C Same as %C[(NoAttack) ].
%c[color] screen color will be changed to color. Available
colors are:
black red green yellow blue purple cyan white
hblack hred hgreen hyellow hblue hpurple hcyan hwhite
bblack bred bgreen byellow bblue bpurple bcyan bwhite
beep bold flash blink norm
%D[xxx] The ASCII character with decimal value xxx.
%G[<Gstr>] If you are a member of a group, <Gstr> will be sent.
%G Same as %G[(grouped) ].
%g[<gstr>] If you are a ghost, <gstr> will be sent.
%g Same as %g[(ghost) ].
%H The current command number.
%I[<Istr>] If you are incapacitated, <Istr> will be sent.
%I Same as %I[(incap) ].
%J Last command entered.
%K Maximum mana.
%k Current mana.
%M[<mstr>] If you have new mail, <mstr> will be sent.
%M Same as %M[(Mail) ].
%N[<nstr>] If there are unread posts, <nstr> will be sent.
%N Same as %N[(News) ].
%n a newline.
%O[<Ostr>] If you are following someone, <Ostr> will be sent.
%O Same as %O[(following) ].
%o[<ostr>] If you are being followed, <ostr> will be sent.
%o Same as %o[(followed) ].
%Q Total money holdings.
%q Your current money holdings.
%R[<Rstr>] If you are resting, <Rstr> will be sent.
%R Same as %R[(resting) ].
%r The short description of your current environment.
%S Your ip name.
%s Your ip number.
%T[<tfmt>] The current time as returned by strftime(tfmt, time)
where time is the current time plus your time_zone
offset hours.
%T Same as %T[%C].
%V Your evaluation.
%W Your wimpy chance.
%w Your current mode.
%X Your experience.
%Y Your current alignment title as shown in 'score'.
%y Your current alignment based on a -5 to 5 scale:
-5 is demonic, 0 is neutral, 5 is angelic.
%Z[<Zstr>] If you are stealthed, <Zstr> will be sent.
%Z Same as %Z[(stealthed) ].
If you are a wizard, the following formats also expand:
%E The evaluation cost of the last command.
%e Remaining evaluation cost after last command.
%f[<fstr>] If setv no_finger is on, <fstr> will be sent.
%f Same as %f[(nf) ]
%i[<istr>] If setv invisible is on, <istr> will be sent.
%i Same as %i[(I) ]
%L Your current su'd level.
%l Your current real level.
%P Your compressed present working directory.
%p Your present working directory.
%U Your uid.
%u Your euid.
%v[<evar>] Value of the environment variable <evar>. "" otherwise.
Here are some sample prompts:
prompt %c[cyan]%P%c[norm]> would give a prompt looking something like
where ~iffy is the color cyan.
setv debug_prompt 'Last command: %J%nEval Cost: %E%n> '
prompt debug would give a prompt looking something like this:
Last command: look
Eval Cost: 670
prompt HP: %a/%A Mana: %k/%K Fatigue: %b/%B Exp: %X>
would look something like this:
HP: 500/500 Mana: 500/500 Fatigue: 500/500 Exp: 206>
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